Updated weakly.

John P. has a PATREON. / King-Cat 83 is OUT NOW.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


King Crayon!  Photo by Olive Booger.

2014 was a long, busy year for ol' John P., and in 2015 I'm looking forward to hunkering down a bit more and getting a lot of drawing done.

First thing on my plate is King-Cat #75, the All-Maisie Issue, which I'm aiming to have out by TCAF or at least CAKE.  It will be a double-sized issue.

Following that I plan on finally releasing South Beloit Journal, my daily diary comics from 2011.  And working on the Strange Growths collection by Jenny Zervakis, which I hope to have out in 2016 -- the first non- John P. Spit and a Half release since 1997!

Travel-wise, I'm cutting way down, with my longest trip likely being TCAF in May, where I hope to table with Zak Sally and Noah Van Sciver.  Otherwise I'm concentrating on more local, easy-to-get-to events, like CAKE, the various Midwestern zine fests, and Autoptic in Minneapolis.

I also hope to spend less time online in the coming months, which paradoxically means (I hope) I can keep this blog updated more regularly with full-length entries.  I have a lot of stuff backed up that I just haven't had the time to post, including bird-banding adventures, two (TWO!) trips to Okefenokee Swamp, the Pierre Feuille Ciseaux event, and a travel diary from my recently completed 25th Anniversary Tour.  So.

Thanks everyone for all your support in 2014 and beyond!  It was wonderful getting out and meeting so many people, both new friends and old.  My best to you--  see you soon!

John P.

Monday, December 8, 2014


Santoro rocks the mike, Cleveland: 11/30/14

Hey dudes and dudettes,

I'm back at last from tour-- 31 dates in 74 days.  Now I'm home for good through the long cold winter.  I'll be drawing King-Cat #75 (in hopes of an April/May release), revamping my distro site, and otherwise cuddling with a variety of mammals.

Look for my tour diary to appear here sometime in the next week week or two, and then lots of pictures of birds and alligators.

ALSO, King-Cat tee-shirts, books, and zines make GREAT GIFTS™.

Thanks everyone!
John P.