Updated weakly.

John P. has a PATREON. / King-Cat 83 is OUT NOW.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Hey dudes,

2013 was a year.  It came and went.  The high point for me was getting Gibby Dog, who has become my BFF, and his sister Iris, and attending the PFC Retreat in Minneapolis (of which the long awaited photo-journal will be going up on this site shortly).  We all know what the bad stuff was (Kim, RIP).

Gibber Dee Dawg

Late into 2013 I finally managed to get King-Cat 74 out, after it had lingered nearly-finished on my desk for three months, and hopefully that has kickstarted me into motion again.  2014 is the King-Cat 25th Anniversary, and I'm going to do my best to have a lot of work done for it...  2014 should see the release of three new comics from me --

  • South Beloit Journal -- the complete journal strips from early 2011 (from La Mano 21)
  • King-Cat 75, the All-Maisie Issue -- which will be a special double-sized edition
  • and The Hospital Suite -- an all new three-story collection (from Drawn and Quarterly)

Additionally, the King-Cat documentary should be debuting at SPX (along with Hospital) and afterwards I'll be travelling throughout the Northeast and Midwest signing books and screening the film.

Aside from the aforementioned tour, I'll be out on the road again, with stops scheduled so far in Chicago, Columbus, Denver, Bethesda, and Fort Wayne.  But in many ways I'm hoping to stay home a bit more and get a lot of drawing done.  It's about time.

I'll leave you now with this lovely mini-movie History of King-Cat, by good ol' Jason Cooley.  Thanks everyone!

John P.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing what this year has to offer you, John. Excited about the King-Cat documentary. Take care, man.


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