Updated weakly.

John P. has a PATREON. / King-Cat 83 is OUT NOW.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

KING-CAT #82 -- Available Now!

Hi everyone, the new King-Cat, #82, is now available for ordering!

It's 32 digest pages, featuring: Michi Moo Love, Nature Notes, lots of stuff about 7-11s (and video games and Conan's Savage Sword); plus: Walking Slowly in the Backyard, Wooden Toothpicks, Dreams, Driving Country Roads, Catbird Talk, Letters, and more!

To order ONE copy directly, please send the following, via PayPal to johnp_kingcat AT hotmail DOT com:

USA: $6.50

These prices include shipping in a plain manila envelope! If you prefer shipping with a cardboard backer in a padded envelope/box (more expensive), please order from www.spitandahalf.com

To order a copy along with other comics, please visit www.spitandahalf.com

Thank you!
John P.